Jackie Stephens Racing Club

Jackie Stephen Racing Club

Bermondsey Belle running rather disappointingly at Perth and unfortunately didn’t show much interest despite working well at home. We are unsure what our next move will be with her so will move the club onto Palixandre.

Palixandre or “Xander” is coming along nicely. When he arrived, Jackie suspected he was very sore so he has been seen a couple times by the physiotherapist and seems to be more comfortable. We have been working on building muscle which we think he is lacking which is further adding to some pain he may be feeling. We have been lunging him with a passeoa and no one on top a couple times a week to build up muscle and make him use himself better. His fitness is coming along well and we would like to aim him at races at Perth at the end of the month but that will depend on whether he is mentally ready as well as fit.

Oz is still only going on the walker a couple times a day which allows him to stretch his legs a little. As mentioned before it is a long recovery period for a tendon so it is a waiting game with him unfortunately.

Jackie Stephen Racing
Firth Farm
Lilliesleaf, Melrose, TD6 9JW
Jackie: 07980 785924
Patrick: 07887 902733
Email: jackiestephen123@hotmail.com
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