As always a busy week at Jackie Stephen Racing. All horses are going well and enjoying the warmer climate that has hit Aberdeenshire. We made a start on the building of our 5 new boxes. They will be ready shortly after a lick of paint and some doors, very exciting! We have resurfaced the all weather gallops by adding more woodchip to help maintain them.
We had the Ellon Rotary Club to visit on Saturday morning. A great morning of watching the horses on the gallops and informing the group of what we do here. It always good to have visitors to the yard and we are happy to accommodate to groups of people who want to learn more about National Hunt racing.
Pictured below: Ballinvegga giving the camera a cheeky look, Amilliontimes and Jackie on the woodchip, Ballingvegga, Highland Peak and in behind Amilliontimes on the woodchip, Midnight Kate being washed down after work, Highland Peak and Ballinvegga going up the woodchip, Amilliontimes posing for the camera and rotary club, some of the Ellon Rotary club members watching the horses parade,