We hope you’ve all been enjoying the weather as much as we have, although Aberdeenshire seems to be going through a cooler patch, not that anyone is complaining!
Its been busy as always here with horses in full swing. We had Highland Peak and Amilliontimes at Perth on Thursday. Highland Peak ran a superb race up front, jumping fantastically until unfortunately he was brought down at the last. A slight collision and a dramatic fall but nevertheless he seems to be none the worse from the fall, just a shame as he would have definitely have finished in a place if not in first! It was great to see him run so well and he seems to be on good form. Amilliontimes ran a standard solid race like always. A little squashing and pushing out around the bend but he continued to run on until the end to just be pipped in a photo finish for 4th. He is a consistent sort always finishing his race and trying as hard as he can.
Pictured below: Highland Peak enjoying a wash down after a dramatic fall, Amilliontimes jumping the water jump, Highland Peak jumping and Jackie and Patrick do occasionally leave the farm – all dressed up and off to a friends wedding!